Travel Pics of us Together

Niagra Falls, Canada

Michelle overlooking Horseshoe Falls

Stephen overlooking Horseshoe Falls

Welcome to Niagara Falls, Canada!

A view from Canada, oooh lovely!!

American Falls with Freedom Bridge to the USA

Another view of Horseshoe Falls, Canada

The Skylon Tower, Niagara Canada.. A great place to eat!

Entryway to Victoria Park Botanical Garden

Another view of the Skylon Tower with Chaeteu due Niagara

Toronto, Canada

Stephen and Michelle having a great time in Toronto

The CN Tower, largest in the world

City Hall, love the design

The Hall again, nice bell!

Michelle from the CN Tower, isn't that my house over their???

Michelle in front of the Globe & Mail waiting for me

Montreal, Quebec

Michelle overlooking Montreal from Olympic Park

Michelle behind the waterfalls

Stephen styling through Montreal

Olympic Park

A view from the Olympic Tower towards Montreal

Quebec City, Quebec

Stephen and Michelle riding through Old Quebec

Stephen and Michelle with our new friend Silver

Michelle in Old Quebec square

Chateau due Forniea

Quebec Parliament House

Angelica Falls, Ireland

Stephen and our baby...Tigger!!! Bounce! Bounce! Bounce!!

Angelica Falls.....Oooooohh!!!

Washington D.C.

Michelle in front of a fountain by the Capitol

Michelle and Stephen hanging out at the mall

Stephen and Michelle having fun

Michelle eyes her new home

The Awakening....The most striking piece of art i've ever seen. A definate must see in D.C.

The Capitol

Jefferson Memorial

White House....its really off-white people

Michelle with the Washington Monument behind her

Michelle in front of the Congressional Fountain

Michelle in front of the Capitol Reflecting Pool

Atlantic City, NJ

Michelle on the Boardwalk at Atlantic City


Michelle and Stephen cruising through Spain

St. Anne

St. Anne Cathedral

St. Louis

Times Square, NYC

Nanjing, China